Translation Techniques

               Leonardi (2010), the translation improves critical reading skills, improves grammatical 
awareness and linguistic competence, facilitates the acquisition of vocabulary and develops 
intercultural competence, based on what the author proposes, it can be highlighted that translation 
plays a very important role, since every person who wants to translate or any translator, so to speak, 
must have basic knowledge of the language that he or she wishes to translate, therefore, if we take 
into account the grammatical level, and the vocabulary that the person must have, it must be high, 
therefore each time this person must translate, his or her height will be better, as will be lexically in a 
different language. .
     The grammar translation method sees the translation as
essential to teach and learn foreign languages. However, this The method has been denounced in the teaching of foreign languages for decades. Under the direct method and the audio-lingual method developed later, the translation was prohibited and is no longer included as part of the classroom activities. In today's most popular communication language teaching (CLT) approach, the target language is used during authentic, functional,
communicative activities, and the native language of the students does not have particular role in the classroom. We must take into account the intention and characteristics of the translation that Hurtado Albir mentioned in 2001.
It is necessary to ask three questions:
Why is it translated?
     It is translated because languages and cultures are different, and that linguistic and cultural difference is the reason for being of translation.

What is it translated for?
     The translation has a communicative purpose that aims to break through the barrier of incommunication that exists due to differences.
Who is translated for?
     For a recipient who can not access a text and needs a translator to act as linguistic and cultural mediator.
Therefore, we must emphasize all three ideas:
    1. The communication appointment of the translation.
    2. The recipient.
    3. The real purpose of the translation.


In the text: ("History and theory of translation - Problems, procedures and techniques", 2017)
Bibliography: History and theory of translation - Problems, procedures and techniques. (2017). Retrieved 27 November 2017, from

Liao, P. (2006). EFL Learners' Beliefs about and Strategy Use of Translation in English Learning. RELC Journal, 37(2), 191-215. doi:10.1177/0033688206067428. Retrieved from

Guerra, A. (2014, enero). The usefulness of Translation in Foreign Language Learning: students’ attitudes. Retrieved  July 06, 2017 from
